Patent Prosecution

Patent Prosecution

Patent prosecution is a process of drafting and filing patent-related responses with the Patent Office to establish patent protection for an invention.

Once a drafted patent application is submitted to the Patent Office, a patent examiner verifies that the patent application meets all the criteria such as Novelty, Inventive Step, Industrial Applicability, which are considered for patentability. The examiner thoroughly researches all previous Prior-Arts to ensure that the patent application does not match with anything already approved.

If the Patent Office finds Prior-Art(s) relevant to the patent application, a search report is established by the Patent Office, which mentions documents that may be considered in deciding whether the invention to which the patent application relates is patentable.

Patent Drafting

Accordingly, to defend the patent application, a response to the search report (aka examination report) is drafted and submitted. The patent examiner and the applicant may interact throughout the process to understand the patent application and advance the prosecution. Based on the response(s) and discussions, the examiner will approve, reject, or object to the patent application.

We can help you through every step of the patent prosecution process.